Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Best Year Yet

As this year comes to an end it's always a good time to look back and ponder the year's events.  This year was a stunning year to say the least.  It seems like every year since DH and I got married has been crazier and more exciting then the last.  And this year has topped it all!!!

Major highlights of 2015:
-DH started new job 4 hours away leaving me to trudge through the first 7 months of our first pregnancy alone (we did see each other on weekends so only alone 5/7 of the time)
-defended my PhD!!!  That's right, I'm now the "wrong kind" of Dr. :)
-sold our house and moved to join my husband in a very (very) rural community
-started my first "real" job
-had a baby!!!!!
-got accepted to medical school
-purchased 80 acres to build on (attached to DH's parent's land)

So all in all, it's been quite the year.  As you might imagine, having a baby pretty much topped it.  We wanted a little one SUPER bad and had been trying for a while and were extremely thrilled when we found out we were pregnant on Christmas Day 2014.  Who knew being pregnant was FOREVER but it was worth every minute of it when we welcomed our daughter into the world (someday I'll post about my awesome drug-free water birth).  First three weeks, well, let's just say no one speaks of those first three weeks because you repress the memories.  But seriously every day with her is the most amazing imaginable.  DH is the most wonderful dad and supportive guy ever and has really chipped in to help since I only got 3 weeks (yes, you read that correctly and it was a darn shame and should have been a crime...) of maternity leave.  So with a combo of help from grandparents and a few "sick" days between DH and myself we've been able to keep her home.  All cliques about having children is true; hardest thing you'll ever do but worth every millisecond of the work.

New job, what can I say, I 90% hate it and for someone who makes their career a big part of their life, that's pretty miserable.  On top of it, it's VERY difficult to leave petite bebe to go to a job that you hate.  Mostly it's atmosphere and my bosses.  There's a lot of negativity, ripping down of people behind their backs and to their faces, millisecond priority shifts (which means a project you slaved on all week no longer matters and they're angry you're not already halfway done with their new "top project").  Getting accepted to medical school makes sticking it out worth it or I would have already been job hunting.  It also makes it easier to decide to go to medical school.  With a new baby and enjoying the new-found financial security of a real paycheck we weren't sure whether to stress our family out with me going back to school.  If I had had a job I enjoyed and a boss I could stand I probably would have just framed the acceptance letter and moved on (it bothers me that petite bebe will be 8+ years before I'm done with my training).

And finally, the day BEFORE I got accepted to medical school we had an accepted offer on 80acres of land that we've had our eye on for ages.  It borders land that has been in DH's family for several generations.  We've always wanted to live out in the country, have a place to raise a few animals, build mountain bike trails, etc.  The only issue is that it ties up a lot of our capitol without a place to live; so now we're looking at either building ourselves (can we say stressful!!!) or doing a pre-fab cabin/house (my favorite option though DH is currently resistant to the idea).

All in all, its been a fantastic year and the start of many new and exciting things to come!  For sure 2016 will be another exciting year!

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