Monday, June 27, 2016

Battle O' Wills: Not Winning

DLO is getting SO big and has 6!!! teeth to show for it!  And did I mention I bf?  Anyone experiencing Jaws-like anxiety for me yet?  DLO is a super bright, super inquisitive, and super stubborn (yup, those would be my genes) little girl.  Take that stubbornness and apply it to bf + teeth and my worst case scenario is a reality.  I imagine DLO's mouth hurts terribly, 4 of the said 6 teeth all came in within a week but her interest in nibbling on mommy has gotten really old really quickly.  I've tried all the different techniques to stopping said behavior to no avail.  Yesterday in fact she went on a hunger strike.  I wanted her to eat cause I was uncomfortable (and of course away from home with no pump) and she bit every time we tried.  And in just one day of no feeding my milk supply took a big hit.  So now, she's teething, hungry, and my milk is coming in slow/less = more biting.  I'm thinking that we may be done bf'ing and I'm pretty sad.  I have really enjoyed the bonding most especially valuing it after we had some bumps early on.  I didn't expect it to potentially end so abruptly!  So here we are, damned if we do, damned if we don't.  In this contest, I am most definitely the loser...either I get bit or we wean and neither option I like.  So cross your fingers that she figures out really really soon that biting mommy is not really just not nice.

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