Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Baby #2

It is a very striking difference, our discussion to try for baby #2.  With baby #1, we didn't really know what we were in for.  We didn't have a baby and it was to be our first.  It brought me to tears when we decided we were ready and we started TTC.  Not only did my most wonderful, amazing DH love me as his wife but loved me as the mother of his future children.  We had a bit of a challenge conceiving our first and everything about that pregnancy was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.  And today our DLO is the perfect joy in our lives.  Changing everything about everything but never have we been so happy.  Trying for #2 is a different thing all together, your lives have already changed so the question is, can we handle more craziness and stress?  For me, the added question, can I do this on top of medical school?  The problem is, the "best" time during medical school is the summer between M1 and M2, so we either aim for that our wait until M4 (and DLO would be almost 5 by then, an age gap we aren't thrilled with).  If we're successful this time I think our families will think we're nuts instead of being thrilled by grand-baby #1 (on both sides).  But heck, DH is on board, and I think I'm inboard (how in the world will I do no coffee in med school?).  So here we go!  We're going to TTC for 2 months to try to hit that sweet spot and then call it off until M4, so wish us luck?  We joke it's the "Russian roulette" of conception.  Here's to Baby #2, may you come if you're ready, we know we'll love you the world over just the way we do DLO #1.

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