Sunday, October 30, 2016


I am probably one of the "most" un-traditional students in my med school class.  As in most of my peers just can't envision being as old as me and when they do, they envision it as a time when they'll be well into their chosen career.  In a rather large class, I am 1/2 of the mothers, 1/2 of the PhDs, and definitely in the top 5% of the age curve.  It really brought home how ancient some of my 22-year old classmates think I am when I was remarking that it was a bit "age-ist" to only provide the meningitis vaccination free to students 25 and under.  And to that, one said, "you should take it as a compliment that they assume you aren't making out with undergrads at frat parties."  Which, is I suppose true (though one should never assume things!).  It does always make me feel a lot better when I see many of my classmates posting pictures of themselves partying all weekend.  I often get frustrated by the small amount of time I am able to squeeze studying in on the weekends and always envision my single, unattached peers spending the days just killing it in the library all weekend but I just thank my lucky stars that they are getting the same lack of sleep I am.  Me, because I am up all night with a baby.  Them, because they're up all night partying and necking with undergrads.  That curve is real (and viscous) so I appreciate a slight leveling of the playing field!  Oh the competitiveness of medical school, apparently one is never too old to participate ;)

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